本會曾兩度入圍傳藝金曲獎,開發有潛力音樂家出版音樂專輯、有聲書。近年來投入跨領域藝文節目製作,2018年與國際大提琴家、聲樂家聯合製作《聆視頌讚•安歇水邊》靈性四重奏,緊接著與以色列小提琴家合作《平安以色列》音樂會。2020年走向戶外,與國際藝術家、音樂家、舞蹈家等推出《2020囍遊季》秋藏文化慶典;2021年前進高雄衛武營推出《器宇非凡.光彩奪目》余曉怡管風琴線上音樂會。期間亦與日本台灣交流協會、以色列海法大學、永壽文教基金會、Shen Ai原住民孩子…等單位合作各類藝術文化交流活動。


Zoe Arts Foundation has received two nominations for the Golden Melody Award for Traditional Arts and Music. We have curated art exhibitions, tea ceremonies, produced music albums, audio books as well as live performances — from quartets, harp, and vocal recitals, to outdoor festivals featuring indigenous and international artists, musicians and dancers. It has been our privilege to develop a global network for cultural exchange amongst diverse groups of talents in collaboration with academic universities, and quasi-government institutions.